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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 3 Hansard (28 March) . . Page.. 884 ..

MR STEFANIAK (continuing):

Mr Speaker, I present the Government's response to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts' Report on the Voluntary Parent Contribution Scheme in the Australian Capital Territory School System.

My thanks go to the committee for its inquiry into this matter. While over 98% of all funding for government schools is provided by way of appropriation and grants, voluntary parent contributions (in both financial and non-financial terms) play a very significant part in the life of a school.

In financial terms, some $3m is raised annually among ACT government schools from voluntary contributions and fund raising. This is a very important source of discretionary funds to supplement the funds schools receive by appropriation.

Mr Speaker, the committee has drawn attention to the voluntary nature of these contributions.

I want to take this opportunity to emphasise that voluntary contributions (and I include subject levies in this category) are just that - voluntary. If parents choose not to make that contribution then no student should be discriminated against as a consequence. This is a fundamental premise which all previous governments have stood by, and one which we will reinforce at every opportunity.

The Council of Parents and Citizens Associations has written to me recently citing examples of students being denied access to courses because of non payment of subject levies.

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