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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 3 Hansard (28 March) . . Page.. 848 ..


Government Response
Action taken
Dell 2.5

Further expansion of Residential Services should only occur through the non government sector. Staff numbers should not increase though resident numbers may rise.

Residential Services will be treated like other service providers in the funder/provider split and will be required to compete for any funds which become available for expansion of services.

Residential Services will be required to meet the same service standards and quality standards as community based service providers and vice versa.

There has been a policy of `no growth' in place for several years. A small number of clients have been accepted into Residential Services - usually as a result of extreme emergencies.

There are also six `Choices' clients from Woden Community Services.

Negotiations for Individual Support Packages for six individuals in Choices houses are nearing completion.

Dell 2.6

Policy and guidelines for the management of Residential Services and Community Programs need to be developed so that the managers can manage within these parameters thus allowing for greater decision making capacity at the sub program level.

Policies and guidelines will be developed for Client Services to enable managers to carry out their role within clear parameters and as close as possible to the interface with clients.

Operational policies and procedures for Residential Services which are in line with the DSA and Disability Service Standards are being developed in consultation with clients, advocates, parents, staff and the HSUA. These procedures include response to sexual assault or harassment.

Policies and procedures relating to regional services are being developed and implemented.

Dell 2.7

Leadership must be committed to the values underpinning the DSA and the Standards and to recruitment and training practices which reflect this commitment if services are to be more user driven.

See action under Recommendation 1.0

See progress under Recommendation 1.0 and 1.1.

The DSA and Standards are being used as the cornerstone for all program planning and in staff recruitment and training.

Community Programs Branch
Disability Services 3.41 PM 5/03/96 Page 5

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