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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 3 Hansard (28 March) . . Page.. 839 ..

MR MOORE (continuing):

I have sat for quite some time on a committee looking at this issue with reference to Acton Peninsula, and in that committee we have heard a large number of Aboriginal people talking about the Gallery of Aboriginal Australia. They have expressed very clearly to us that it is their wish that the Gallery of Aboriginal Australia go on Acton Peninsula. I cannot recall the policy of the Federal Government in terms of building the National Museum at Yarramundi Reach and whether that includes the Gallery of Aboriginal Australia.

I have no problem with the motion that says that the National Museum goes to Yarramundi Reach, and that is how the motion reads on the surface. Before I would support this I would have to understand whether the Aboriginal people who appeared before us still believe that it is appropriate for the Gallery of Aboriginal Australia to go to Acton Peninsula or whether they are happy for it to be part of the National Museum at Yarramundi. Unfortunately, I do not know the answer to that question at this stage. What worries me is the way this motion is now worded. It may well be that in supporting the National Museum at Yarramundi Reach I may also be supporting the Gallery of Aboriginal Australia at Yarramundi Reach. It may well be that one of the members of the Liberal Party can clarify that for me.

I want to indicate that I am very supportive of the concept that Ms Horodny is putting up. That causes me no problem. It is just that this other issue is fundamental to the whole consideration of Acton Peninsula. It is fundamental in terms of our attempts at reconciliation with Aboriginal people around Australia. They have made it very clear that on almost every occasion they are given some cast-off, second-hand site - something that puts them as second rate. Acton Peninsula is clearly the pre-eminent site in the Australian Capital Territory at the moment. It would be a great step for us to say, "Yes, we are going to support a Gallery of Aboriginal Australia on Acton Peninsula".

This matter could be remedied by removing the words "the new Federal Government's policy", so that the motion would read "supports building the National Museum at Yarramundi Reach"; but it is still not completely clarified. I am happy to be guided by members, but I think the appropriate approach at this stage is for us to adjourn the debate, recognising the appropriate sentiment that Ms Horodny and the Greens have put forward, but seeking to clarify this particular position and bringing the matter back on and dealing with it either by amendment or by modifying the motion in some other way. I am saying that I am supportive of the concepts being put forward, but I have this particular concern. I believe that that may lead to the adjournment of the debate, if that is acceptable.

Debate (on motion by Ms McRae) adjourned.

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