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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 2 Hansard (28 February) . . Page.. 383 ..

MS HORODNY (continuing):

(d) public notification of chemical control programs;

(e) the need for transparent processes to ensure community input on ACT chemical control programs;

(f) the need to integrate ESD precautionary principles in policy decisions regarding chemical use;

(g) the potential impacts of chemicals on non-target fauna and flora;

(h) non-toxic alternatives for weed and pest control; and

(j) such other relevant issues as may arise in the course of the inquiry;

(2) membership of the Steering Committee should include:

(a) a person nominated by the Conservation Council of the Southeast Region and Canberra;

(b) a person nominated from Landcare;

(c) a community health representative;

(d) a person nominated from the Australian Chemical Trauma Alliance;

(e) an entomologist;

(f) a plant biologist; and

(g) a union representative; and

(3) The inquiry will be chaired by the Commissioner for the Environment.

I believe that the motion is self-explanatory and I urge members to support it. I will not mince words. I believe that chemicals are poisons. There was a time when we called a spade a spade and we called poisons poisons and people knew to be very careful and wary of them. We have now euphemised that term to "chemicals", and it has changed the debate somewhat. I believe that it is important that we have a comprehensive inquiry that looks at the full scientific, social and environmental aspects of pesticide use in the ACT. There is a real issue concerning the build-up of these persistent chemicals and the effect on the food chain and indeed on the whole web of life.

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