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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 1 Hansard (22 February) . . Page.. 280 ..


Special classes include a variety of units each having a specific maximum size. Units include: Learning Centre, Junior Assessment Class, Introductory English Centre, Communications Disorder Class, Hearing Impaired Unit and Physically Handicapped Integrated students. Special class enrolments shown may include a single unit or a combination of units. Classes are not usually at their maximum at the start of the year when the schools census is conducted.

School Capacity

School capacity figures are dependent upon educational/curriculum needs, building and architectural design constraints and calculations based on the assumption that colleges and high schools accommodate an average class size of 19 students per teaching space and in the case of primary schools 30 students per teaching space (with additional space requirements for special class).

Thus, analysis of the capacity of individual schools must take into consideration an extensive range of design factors and specific educational needs as well as considering demographic projections for the priority enrolment area.

School capacities are monitored to ensure they reflect changes in building or design arrangements and the operation of special programs in schools. The capacity figures included in this document indicate current capacities and additional student accommodation available in transportables.

Holding School Arrangements

Projections take account of the following holding school arrangements:

(1) Gungahlin - Charnwood High will cater for students from Gungahlin from 1995, pending provision of local schools. College holding arrangements include Lake Ginninderra, Copland and Dickson Colleges.

(2) West Belconnen - Charnwood, Macgregor and Fraser Primary Schools, Charnwood and Ginninderra High Schools and Copland College will cater for West Belconnen students.

For further details concerning this document contact Facilities Planning and Projects Section on 205 9126.

JULY 1995

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