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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 1 Hansard (22 February) . . Page.. 218 ..

Mr Whitecross: I have not seen you negotiating with the unions over pay increases.

MR DE DOMENICO: Mr "I want to be", but he never will be, Mr Whitecross, comes in and interjects. I will take that interjection on board. Yes, we are sitting down with the unions and all the interested parties and we are coming up with what you will find will be a unanimous decision. That is the way to negotiate.

We talked about waste management, too. We made all sorts of promises about waste management. All have been delivered. We did not sit on our hands. I can recall Mr Connolly saying, "Yes, we have to introduce tip fees", but would the Labor Party do it?

Mr Hird: No.

MR DE DOMENICO: Of course not. Has it been successful? It will be successful. We will plough the money back into areas of waste management, such as doing some research on worm farms.

Mr Berry: It has been a great success. Nobody is collecting.

MR DE DOMENICO: Mr Berry interjects, "No-one is collecting it". Mr Berry, you tell your mates in the union movement to go back to work and collect it and then we can plough that money back into waste management control.

So, Mr Speaker, in 12 months this Government has delivered most of its promises. There are a few more to go. I suggest that Mr Berry and his mates on the other side sit back, relax and watch. Wallow over there in opposition and you will see a government that knows what it is doing. You have no leadership over there, Mr Berry. You have no direction and you have no policies. That is reflected in the fact that you made no decisions. This Government has leadership, it has direction, it has policies, and they are all being implemented. I have to tell you, mate, that what we promise, we deliver. What we have promised we have delivered and will continue to deliver.

Mr Berry: You are great on industrial relations!

MR DE DOMENICO: You can sit over there, and you can go white and blue and purple in the face; but the people in the community of the ACT realise that they have a good government. They will continue to have a good government.

This matter of public importance is nonsense. They got it in on time today. They could not get it in yesterday because they were not allowed through the car park. They could not get through the car park and arrive here at 8.30 am. It is a nonsense. We have had 12 months of a Carnell Liberal government. What we have promised we have delivered. If we have not delivered yet, it is because either this Assembly will not let us or we just have not had the time. Mr Berry, sit back and relax, and you will see what good government is all about.

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