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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 1 Hansard (22 February) . . Page.. 199 ..
MR DE DOMENICO: It does matter. If you want any further advice about a private company that is in liquidation, ask the provisional liquidator. I do not know any more about it because I am not involved in the private company. If you want advice on the private company, ask the provisional liquidator. That is what the companies and securities law is all about.
Ms Follett: What do you have to hide?
MR DE DOMENICO: I have nothing at all to hide, Ms Follett.
MR BERRY (3.28): Mr Speaker, I seek leave to move a motion circulated in my name. It is in relation to a possible misleading of the Assembly.
Leave not granted.
MR BERRY: I move:
That so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent Mr Berry from moving a motion concerning the services available at Kippax Health Centre.
This would give Mrs Carnell the opportunity to apologise for misleading the Assembly on this matter. My reason for moving this motion is that at question time Mrs Carnell clearly said that there were only private doctors at Kippax Health Centre. It was in response to a question from the Greens in relation to ancillary services. I think Mrs Carnell has, maybe inadvertently, misled the Assembly. She should be given the opportunity to apologise. I have moved that motion so that I can explain the full details.
MRS CARNELL (Chief Minister and Minister for Health and Community Care) (3.29): Mr Speaker, for the benefit of the Assembly, rather than waste time on this sort of thing, I could do a quick run over the services that are available at Kippax Health Centre, what is happening to them, where they are going and so on. I am very happy to make sure that - - -
Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: The argument that we have entered into now is whether or not standing orders ought to be suspended. I know that Mrs Carnell is a little nervous about this because I think she knows that she has been caught out. She should stick to the relevance of the debate; that is, whether or not we should suspend standing orders to consider this issue. You could apologise straightaway.
MR HUMPHRIES (Attorney-General) (3.30): Mrs Carnell has offered to clear up by way of a statement whatever misunderstanding Mr Berry feels has resulted from something which she may have said at question time. With great respect, we do not need a - - -
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