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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 1 Hansard (22 February) . . Page.. 166 ..

Mr De Domenico: Some of the time you were not here. That is right.

MR BERRY: Yes, I went home to bed at night. Everybody does that.

Mr De Domenico: No, not all of us. Some of us stay here and work.

MR BERRY: Some of you sleep around the place, I suppose, but I do not. I go home to bed. That key recommendation is a matter of some concern to me as the chair of that committee. Mr Speaker, Labor will be working to ensure that there is an appropriate policing authority in place to ensure that the Government does the right thing for its employees. Clearly, from the committee's examination of the issue, the problem here is not Comcare. The problem here is the management within the Government. Of course, what the Government says is that we still should rely on those managers to do the job rather than have some sort of competent and proper - - -

Mr De Domenico: Yes, that is what the report said. That is what the experts said, too.

MR BERRY: I beg your pardon?

Mr De Domenico: That is what the experts said, too, not just the Government.


MR BERRY: Which experts?

Mr De Domenico: The ones who do it every day, all day - Tillinghast, Marsh and McLennan - - -

MR BERRY: Your experts.


Mr De Domenico: No, not our experts. The experts, Mr Berry - Tillinghast. Did you read the Tillinghast report?

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry, this is not a dialogue.

MR BERRY: This was an Assembly committee inquiry which came to an informed view about a situation that needed to be controlled. It is obviously out of control under this Government. This Government has demonstrated by its handling of the recent industrial dispute that it is not across industrial issues. This is clearly an industrial issue concerning its employees and the Government does not have a perception about how to deal with workplace injuries.

The first reaction by the Minister for Industrial Relations in this matter was to attack Comcare. Clearly, Comcare are not the problem here. They never have been. The problem has always been what has been going on in the ACT Government.

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