Page 2330 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 22 June 1994

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Members interjected.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Mrs Carnell has the floor.

MRS CARNELL: Thank you, Madam Speaker. The second part of our amendment is that the Australian International Hotel School should be defined as an autonomous instrumentality under this Bill. It was very interesting to read the piece of Ms Follett's speech with regard to the school. She suggested that the hotel school will be left out until Cornell University signs, and then we will move it in. That is exactly what this says. I quote:

The Government believes, in principle, that these staff should become members of the new service under equivalent provisions, but wishes to assess in more detail the implications of that move ...

And so on. It seems quite definite from comments that have been made by various people that all this is about is waiting until Cornell University signs the agreement, and then the Government - - -

Mr Lamont: Are you trying to sink that one too?

MRS CARNELL: I am reading from Ms Follett's speech.

Mr Lamont: You are trying to sink the New South Wales TAB link. Now you are trying to sink the Cornell link.

MRS CARNELL: Ms Follett's own speech says that, Mr Lamont.

Mr Lamont: You are trying to sink the Cornell link.

MRS CARNELL: Absolutely not. That is the reason why we believe that this should be included here as an autonomous instrumentality - to make it very clear that we are not planning to bring this area directly under the Public Service Management Bill; that we plan to give it some autonomy. We believe that the whole Bill should create substantially more flexibility, and our amendments mirror that approach.

With the ACT Fire Brigade, Ms Follett's explanation was that it was because they wear uniforms - a very interesting argument - and because they operate in a "disciplined uniformed service". Somehow this means that the Fire Brigade should be left right out of this Bill. Nurses wear uniforms. They certainly do not operate under - - -

Mr Kaine: So do bus drivers.

MRS CARNELL: So do bus drivers, yes. They do not operate under what would be regarded as a normal public service culture. They operate under a very different set of professional ethics. Even teachers do not operate under normal - - -

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