Page 1879 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 14 June 1994

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Madam Speaker, we are strongly committed to enhancing the cultural development of the Territory. Funding has been provided for the Cultural and Heritage Centre to be developed in the existing North Building. An interim board of management is to be established to guide planning, construction and management. The centre will serve primarily as a regional art gallery and heritage centre and honours our commitment on the use of the casino premium.

The Government has provided $2.3m in the 1994-95 capital works program in addition to the $5m already allocated from the casino premium for the redevelopment of the Canberra Theatre Centre Playhouse. The Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee of the Assembly, which recommended the $5m allocation, will be asked whether it wishes to reconsider the project before the Government proceeds. These developments in the Civic Square precinct will do much to enhance this area as the cultural heart of the city. The Government has agreed to accept a very generous offer by the current lessee of Mugga Mugga property, Miss Sylvia Curley. The property, which has historical, environmental and social significance, will be managed as a heritage and education resource for the ACT community.

Mr Kaine: That is a good one, Chief Minister. I give you a nod on that one.

MS FOLLETT: Thank you, Mr Kaine. Madam Speaker, in last year's budget the Assembly made its wishes known concerning government schooling. This budget respects the Assembly's position and has added significantly to the forward estimate in setting the 1994-95 education budget. The education budget has been supplemented to replace the intended savings, and does not involve any measures which would reduce teacher numbers. Moreover, we are providing funding of $300,000 for a pilot project aimed at improving literacy and numeracy skills in primary schools. Nearly $14.2m will be provided for the construction of a preschool and primary school in Nicholls, the upgrading of science and technology areas at eight secondary schools, and the refurbishing of existing school facilities. Arrangements are being pursued to enable the preschool and primary school at Nicholls to share some facilities with a child-care centre and a Catholic primary school. This initiative should produce significant efficiencies in the use of public resources and foreshadows other opportunities to use joint facilities for the mutual benefit of public and private providers. Additional ACT funding will be provided to non-government schools, with rates per student increasing by 1.7 per cent to cover wage and other costs pressures. We will provide additional funding to support students in non-government schools who have physical disabilities, and an additional $205,000 per year for a junior secondary bursary scheme.

Madam Speaker, Labor governments in the Territory have adopted and maintained programs to protect those people who rely on public services for a decent quality of life. There are many such groups and we continue to provide for them, particularly children, the aged and those who need protection from violence. Over 500 extra long-day care and outside-school-hours places will be established under the national child-care strategy. We will provide $375,000 over the next three years to trial employer-supported child-care measures, including after-school and vacation care for children with disabilities.

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