Page 1878 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 14 June 1994

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Madam Speaker, the Government's 50 : 50 greenfields-urban renewal strategy is an integral element of urban planning in the Territory, and urban renewal is well supported in this budget. Development of urban renewal areas will proceed during 1994-95. Ten million dollars is to be allocated for land development and other infrastructure. In the new areas, $3.7m will be spent on the Government's continuing commitment to Gungahlin and $700,000 in North Lanyon.

Madam Speaker, the Government places a strong emphasis on protecting Canberra's unique environment. This budget continues that commitment. It includes funding to develop a strategy to combat invasive weeds and $150,000 for management of the Mulligans Flat area, which will be established as a nature reserve. A study of the potential for employment opportunities in ecotourism, environmental technology and other "green" industries will be undertaken in 1994-95. In addition, funding has been included to implement legislation to protect endangered flora and fauna.

Following successful trials of wheeled garbage bins conducted in three suburbs, the Government will be introducing later this year weekly garbage collections and fortnightly recyclable collections from wheeled bins provided to every home. The people of Canberra have strongly supported recycling. The introduction of kerbside recycling will bring to an end the days of travelling to the nearest recycling centre to rid the house of paper and bottles. Everyone will be able to participate in recycling. This initiative will minimise waste collection in favour of recycling and reduce waste disposal at the tips. It will be better for householders and better for the environment.

Madam Speaker, this Government knows the importance in the community of sport and recreation. A program of improvements to government-managed sportsgrounds will be commenced in 1994-95, with an additional $1.2m being provided over three years. The program will focus on refurbishment of older facilities, and improving the utilisation of existing infrastructure through additional lighting, canteen and storage facilities. The Government will construct an enclosed oval in Tuggeranong at a cost of $3.2m. A grant of $400,000 will be provided for further work on the softball centre in Belconnen, and a grant of $630,000 will be made to the ACT Rugby Union to upgrade facilities at Manuka Oval and to enhance the entry of an ACT team into the Sydney rugby union competition. The Government has agreed in principle to the provision of an indoor sports centre in Tuggeranong. Following consultation with relevant groups, a detailed proposal, including funding options, will be considered in the 1995-96 budget.

The Government has been quick to ensure that the ACT benefits to the maximum extent possible from the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games with the establishment of the ACT 2000 Committee which will report later this year. The budget provides a further $130,000 to support the work of the committee. We will also be providing an additional $313,000 for the ACT Academy of Sport to enhance the coordination of intensive training programs, to improve talent identification and to enable the ACT to match Commonwealth funding for elite athlete development in the lead-up to the 2000 Olympics. In the area of community sport, we will be extending the opening hours of the Olympic pool and increasing safety levels generally at government-managed swimming pools. We will provide $170,000 in a full year for additional lifeguards.

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