Page 4387 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 8 December 1993

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MR BERRY: We have to go to the nub of the issue and why it is that we are forced to advertise interstate as a result of this strike action. There is no question that Mr Humphries and Mr Kaine bear some of the responsibility for the blank cheque the doctors now demand. There is no question about that in anybody's mind, I am pleased to say. We have received, as a result of our advertising, 15 expressions of interest by telephone. There is considerable interest interstate, I am told, in the positions here, but people are waiting to see what happens with the meeting this evening. There is interest from more people than the Liberals would seek to have express an interest in the job here, but of course there are - - -

Mr De Domenico: There are 16 instead of 15, are there?

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! The question is now being answered. Would you let the Minister proceed.

MR BERRY: There is considerable interest by doctors interstate in positions in the ACT. There are eight written applications already and there will be more, I am informed. If the VMOs continue on strike, we are going to continue with our recruitment campaign to fill the positions they leave. We have to do that. We are obliged to ensure that our hospital system continues, and we will do that.

Mr Humphries: You will not, with 15 doctors.

MR BERRY: The facts of the matter are that we will not need 140 new doctors in the ACT to cover the difficulties that have been created by the VMOs who have gone on strike.

Mr Humphries: Why not?

MR BERRY: The fact of the matter is that they do not work full time in the hospital system, as everybody knows. What we will also do is to place more emphasis on the need for salaried specialists, because we are in need of salaried specialists.

Mr Humphries: You will not get the same quality with salaried specialists.

MR BERRY: Rubbish! This is the old apologist for the striking VMOs, over and over again. You have folded every time, Mr Humphries. Do not interject. You folded and gave them the blank cheque before; there is no question about that. You folded and gave them the blank cheque. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. You did it more than once, too. Mr Kaine gave you a little pat on the head for folding as well. We can always depend on you top end of town people to defend the privileged; there is no question about it.

I am not going to sit back and watch the AMA play games with ACT patients. We have to do something in order to ensure the viability of our public hospital system, and I am going to do it. We are getting continuous interest in these positions, and the people of the ACT can be assured that we are going to do everything we can to make sure that our public hospital system is a viable one. We are not going to be bludgeoned into handing over a blank cheque.

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