Page 4386 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 8 December 1993

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Mr Humphries: Madam Speaker, I rise on a point of order. Mr Berry has been asked at least twice already in question time today to honour standing order 118, which refers to members being confined to the subject matter of the question. In a total of more than 12 minutes of question time so far, we have heard almost nothing of the questions that were asked of Mr Berry. I ask you as Speaker to prevent this abuse of question time and direct that the Minister confine himself to the subject matter of the question.

MADAM SPEAKER: The question was about VMOs, was it not, Mr Berry? Would you like to proceed?

Mr Humphries: It was not about Gary Humphries; it was not about Kate Carnell.

MR BERRY: It is about the blank cheque and the demand by the VMOs that they get a blank cheque.

Mr Kaine: On a point of order, Madam Speaker: The question was not about a blank cheque. In fact it was about an advertisement.

MR BERRY: We are sensitive about blank cheques on your side of the house, are we not?

Mr Kaine: We have not heard the Minister even refer to an advertisement yet. I think he should be directed to do so.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Kaine.

MR BERRY: Of course we have to advertise to fill the gaps created by the striking VMOs. We cannot - - -

Mr Kaine: On the point of order, Madam Speaker, could I ask you to rule on my point of order before the Minister carries on with his speech?

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Kaine, Mr Berry has heard your point of order and Mr Humphries's point of order. I think Mr Berry will now proceed to answer the question.

Mr Kaine: But you do not intend to rule on it?

MADAM SPEAKER: That is the ruling. He will answer the question.

MR BERRY: The reason we are in this position where there is conflict with the VMOs is that they were given succour by Mr Humphries, under Mr Kaine's leadership. They were given the blank cheque; there is no question about that. Somebody had to fix it, and we have been left to clean up the mess again.

Mr Humphries: Madam Speaker, I have to press you again on the point of order Mr Kaine and I have raised already. Mr Berry was asked about the response to his advertisements for doctors. Mr Berry has not touched on either the question of advertisements or the doctors themselves. I ask you to direct him to proceed to answer the question.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Humphries, I had directed him to answer the question, and I believe that we were getting to the connection between whatever Mr Berry was talking about and the advertisements. Please proceed, Mr Berry.

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