Page 3882 - Week 12 - Thursday, 21 October 1993

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Australian Federal Police

Promotes the use of bicycle helmets by

• School holiday bicycle safety education sessions at the Belconnen Traffic Demonstration Centre and sessions during term time for years 4 and 5 students.

• Bicycle safety programs for schools for Year 3 to Year 6 students.

Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia

Promotes the use of bicycle helmets by

• Bicycle helmet promotion included in their general road safety talks to adults (eg playgroups)

• Sell helmets at $20 each and have a helmet fitting kit to help fit them

• Have a helmet fitting poster (in most ACT schools)

Australian Cycling Federation

Runs bicycle education and safety programs in ACT High Schools.

Pedal Power

Generally promote helmet usage amongst members; in their magazine and in displays and occasional radio interviews.

Head Injury Council of Australia

Promotes the use of bicycle helmets by

• Letters to editors on promotion and usage of bicycle helmets.

• Lectures to Year 10 students (part of the Road Safety Units Pre-Licence Driver Education Program) on head injuries and the need to protect their heads with helmets.

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