Page 3825 - Week 12 - Thursday, 21 October 1993

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2. Terms of Reference

To report to the Minister both broad and specific policy advice on longer term priorities in A.C.T. government schools.

To advise on such matters affecting government schools as the Minister may refer to the Council from time to time.

3. Present Members

Ms Di Mildern (Chair)

Dr Marilyn Fleer

Mr Ray McCulloch

Dr Sarah Ryan

Dr Rolf Gerritsen

Ms Ricki Dargavel

Mr Charles McDonald

Ms Wendy Coutts

Ms Margaret Hird

Mr Trevor Cobbold

Mr Ross Dalton

Ms Trish Payne

Ms Marguerite Walshaw

Ms Cecelia Machan

Ms Cheryl Vardon (Ex officio)

Public Servants

Meetings of MACPE are serviced by one SOG B ($55234) 1 day per month and 1 ASO 6 ($36638 - 42088) three days per month.

4. Remuneration

Chair - Sitting fee as determined by the Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973

Chair - Non Specified Office - Rate of fee per diem - $142 (from 19/5/93) - Remuneration

Tribunal det No 2 of 1993 refers

Member - Non-Specified Office - Rate per diem - $118 (from 19/5/93) - Remuneration

Tribunal det No 2 of

1993 refers

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