Page 3794 - Week 12 - Thursday, 21 October 1993

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2. Terms of Reference

Provide broad based and independent advice to the Government in the formulation of economic, industry and employment policies and in particular on:

(1) feasible and desirable economic goals and targets;

(2) major issues affecting the growth and conduct of business in the ACT and region

(3) employment creation opportunities

(4) the efficiency of public sector operations

(5) the impact of Government policies and regulations on business activity

(6) the co-ordination of economic, industry and employment policies across Government


Provide a forum where the Government can gather informed views on business related issues

3. Present Members

Emeritus Prof Fred Gruen (Chair)

Mr Geoff Carmody

Prof Anne Harding

Mr Howard Powell

Assoc Prof Clem Annice

Ms Llois Cutts

Ms Elizabeth Boydell

Ms Maureen Sheehan

Mr George Wason

Mr Bill Harris

Dr David Rosalky

Ms Martha Kinsman

Public Servants

Estimated 6 meetings per year

SOG B ($48133 - 55234) - approx 6 days per year

SOG C ($43367 - 47107) - approx 18 days per year

ASO 5 ($33924 - 35971) - approx 12 days per year

EPAC also commissions ad hoc project work, some of which is performed by public servants.

4. Remuneration

Remuneration to Chair - $15,000 per annum from Economic Development Division resources. No remuneration is paid to members.

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