Page 3741 - Week 12 - Thursday, 21 October 1993

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MR MOORE: Madam Speaker, I seek leave to make a comment on the exemption Mr Berry has just tabled.

Leave granted.

MR MOORE: Madam Speaker, a similar situation occurred in 1991, and at that stage I moved disallowance of the Prime Minister's XI match having this exemption. I must say that my sentiments remain exactly the same. The reason I am not going to move disallowance on this occasion is that I think it is appropriate for us to compliment this Minister, who has probably done more work than any other Minister in Australia against tobacco. Whilst this Assembly at many times works in an adversarial way, and appropriately so, on this particular issue dealing with this particular drug, which I refer to as the killer drug, the Minister has been a leading light. I am sure that it causes him some pain to have to sign this exemption.

The argument I put in 1991 was that it was a wonderful opportunity to make a very clear statement about tobacco and tobacco advertising by stopping a match of that kind. That is consistent with my view, right across all drugs, that we should work on a harm minimisation approach. We should work as hard as we can not to condone the use of drugs, but at the same time to maintain appropriate restrictions on their use. In not opposing this particular exemption, I draw the Minister's attention to the fact that the last time this occurred there was also not enough time because the application was put in late on that occasion as well. I think the association's attention ought to be drawn to the fact that this is an unsatisfactory system and that they really are pushing the good graces of the Minister and the Assembly on such an issue.

MR CORNWELL: I seek leave to make a short statement on the same matter.

Leave granted.

MR CORNWELL: Madam Speaker, I listened with interest to the Minister's remarks on this matter. I also took note of the fact that in 1996 the situation may change. The Prime Minister's XI match, as members know, has been a regular feature of the international cricket series in this country for many years. I can accept Mr Berry's personal objections to the fact that there may be some - - -

Mr Berry: No, I am not the only one that believes in this.

MR CORNWELL: I can accept your individual objections and the objections of some others in relation to tobacco sponsorship and involvement in the Prime Minister's XI match. The fact is, however, that it has been something of an institution in this city. It is undoubtedly well supported by the vast majority of Canberrans, and it is my personal view that they do not particularly care who is involved in terms of sponsorship. They are there to see some first-class cricket. I believe that this needs to be encouraged. Only yesterday Michael Slater made the statement that he hoped that the ACT Cricket Association would be able to enter the interstate competition. We must ensure that this is done. I do not think anybody in this chamber would oppose the idea of our entering the competition. The Prime Minister's XI match is the type of activity that will encourage that to occur.

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