Page 3590 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 19 October 1993

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MADAM SPEAKER: Standing order 54 asks that you not be offensive against the Assembly. I would ask you to withdraw that, please, Mr Stevenson.

MR STEVENSON: Indeed; I should have said "Mickey Mouse self-government".

MADAM SPEAKER: Would you please withdraw both comments, Mr Stevenson?

MR STEVENSON: Not "Mickey Mouse self-government". Why?

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Stevenson, firstly, withdraw "Mickey Mouse Assembly".

MR STEVENSON: I have withdrawn that already.


MR STEVENSON: But I do not withdraw "Mickey Mouse self-government". It is a Mickey Mouse self-government. Why should I withdraw that?

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Stevenson, it does not matter whether something is true or not true. If you are asked to withdraw, if the Assembly finds it offensive, then you should withdraw.

MR STEVENSON: May I ask that you take that particular point on notice, as to whether or not I can call this Mickey Mouse self-government a Mickey Mouse self-government?

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Stevenson, it would be polite if you simply withdrew it because I asked you to.

MR STEVENSON: I have this aversion to saying things that are not true.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Mr Stevenson, I take the point that you wish to say things that are true or not true. That is fine. But the standing orders require a certain type of behaviour and, until they are changed, I am afraid that I have to enforce them. So, please, would you withdraw it?

MR STEVENSON: I truly have a difficulty, Madam. I have withdrawn a number of things, but a number of them have not been just. I take the point on the Legislative Assembly, surely; but, as for "a Mickey Mouse self-government", it is. That is casting no specific aspersion on the Assembly.

MADAM SPEAKER: I am afraid that it does, Mr Stevenson, and I have been very patient and withstood a lot of argument. Please withdraw it.

MR STEVENSON: All right, Madam Speaker; as you have been patient, I withdraw my statement that this is a Mickey Mouse self-government that we have in Canberra.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Stevenson. Would you like to proceed?

MR STEVENSON: The next most vital point we should have is to do with the voice of the electorate. I covered that area quite well in my introduction speech last week. I gave due credit to the Labor Party when they were worthy of the name and not a rotten, stinking carcass of a once great party; but our Chief Minister - - -

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