Page 2690 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 25 August 1993

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I take note of Mr Connolly's references to no adverse findings from the Western Australian royal commission about the behaviour and activities of Mr Wright. We know that there were adverse findings with regard to the behaviour and activities of both Mr Brian Burke and Mrs Brenda Brush, but no such adverse findings were made about Mr Charles Wright. Presumably, if Mr Wright had been knowingly involved in the distribution of money for illicit purposes there would have been an adverse finding by the royal commission.

In conclusion, Madam Speaker, I would be very interested to know Mr Westende's reaction to this motion. Mr Westende at the moment is the chair of the Assembly's Standing Committee on Tourism and ACT Promotion. It is very disappointing for me, as a member of that committee, and I am sure that it is disappointing for Mr Lamont, to have the integrity of our current chair of the board of the Tourism Commission impugned in this way. I am disappointed for the standing of this Assembly that the questions asked by Mrs Carnell and Mr De Domenico have been asked in the manner in which they have been.

MR BERRY (Deputy Chief Minister) (4.04), in reply: I seek leave to remove Mr Humphries's name from the list of people to be censured.

Leave granted.

MR BERRY: Having heard his argument, I must say that at one stage my tendency was to leave him in the motion because I think he was compounding the imputations that were made by Mrs Carnell and her deputy. These people could walk upright under a snake's belly. There is no question about that. For people to take such action against somebody who has not been found guilty of anything, who has not done anything wrong but has merely worked hard for the community in the ACT, seems to me a travesty. Without again going over all of the old ground that has been covered here today, I think it has been fairly discovered that there is a real case for this censure motion, and I urge members to support it.

Question put:

That the motion (Mr Berry's), as amended, be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 9  NOES, 6

Mr Berry Mrs Carnell
Mr Connolly Mr Cornwell
Ms Ellis Mr De Domenico
Ms Follett Mr Humphries
Mrs Grassby Mr Kaine
Mr Lamont Mr Westende
Ms McRae
Ms Szuty
Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the affirmative.

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