Page 2501 - Week 08 - Thursday, 19 August 1993
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We further recommended that government decide the basis for management of the homestead and outbuildings, including provision for appropriate commercial, cultural and community based activities. Once again, the Government agreed to accept that recommendation, and various other recommendations were agreed to by the Government, especially that a Charles Bean memorial study centre should be established. We believe that that is very significant, and the committee put a fair amount of emphasis on that.
Last but not least, the Government agreed that the ACT Planning Authority should appoint some agents to look into the planning and environmental significance of the area. We note in the Minister's response that the ACT Planning Authority has appointed agents Munns Sly Scott-Bohanna Moss Pty Ltd to undertake a planning and environmental analysis. No doubt that report will be taken into consideration by the Planning Committee, which will investigate the draft variation to the Territory Plan. We support the Minister's comments on this matter.
MR LAMONT (10.46): The Conservation, Heritage and Environment Committee report is a valuable document in helping to crystallise a number of issues in relation to the preservation and maintenance of the area known as Tuggeranong Homestead. As chair of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee, I am appreciative of the work which has been put into this document. I believe that it has helped the community, as well as members of this Assembly, come to understand and appreciate the issues involved in the preservation of some areas of the Tuggeranong Homestead site. The Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee can now build on the work that has been done by the Conservation, Heritage and Environment Committee in this regard, and I have much pleasure in supporting this report.
MR MOORE (10.47): Madam Speaker, I rise to express appreciation of the government response.
Ms Follett: You have not had a government response.
MR MOORE: Yes, we are actually speaking to the government response. It is interesting how often the Government responds positively to reports of a committee of the Assembly. In looking back at the recommendations, there is a positive response to all of them - agreed, agreed, agreed - although there are some provisos.
Even more interesting to me was a rally I attended on the Acton Peninsula last weekend, where one of the speakers, drawing attention to the Tuggeranong Homestead site, spoke very vehemently about the Charles Bean memorial study centre and how important it is for the preservation of the memory of Charles Bean and his association with the Tuggeranong Homestead. I agree with that, the report agrees with it, and the government response agrees to it. But then to extrapolate, as happened on Sunday, and say that therefore we must preserve the Tuggeranong Homestead area in its entirety is an entirely different thing and is quite a quantum leap from that.
The committee did look very carefully at and reported very carefully on what parts of the area are critical to the preservation of the Tuggeranong Homestead. It was very strong in its opinion that an appropriate area around the Tuggeranong Homestead site does need to be preserved for the heritage aspects of the area. There is no question in anybody's mind that that needs to be done.
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