Page 2411 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 17 August 1993

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In order to professionally and cohesively determine what exemptions from the Building Code of Australia were appropriate and within acceptable levels of fire safety, Philip Chun sad Associates were engaged by the Project Manager as consultants to examine the Final Sketch Plan Design for the new level 5 Paediatrics and new level two link between Building 1 and Buildings 10 and 11. The consultants function was to recormnend what works were necessary to ensure that fire safety requirements of the Building Code of Australia were met and/or Code objectives achieved and/or what exemptions from the Code were appropriate.

The consultant after assessing the problem has proposed two (2) modifications to the standards of the B.C.A. A report with supportive documentation has bean examined by Public Works sad Services, the ACT Fire Brigade, the ACT Building Controller and the Project Director with the ACT Public Hospitals Redevelopment Project.

A summary of these modifications and the particular clauses of the Building Code of Australia in question are as follows:


Item 1

1. Clause C 1.1(a) Type of Construction.

To permit the proposed additional link bridge between Building 1 and Buildings 10 and 11 to be constructed of unprotected steel is lieu of Type A fire-resisting construction.

Item 2

2. Clause D 1.6(b) Dimensions of Exits

To permit the width of a corridor in Paediatric isolation on level 5 of Building 1 in a patient care area to be less than two metres.


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