Page 2306 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 17 August 1993

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Madam Speaker, it is also worth pointing out to members of the Assembly that the committee spent some time considering the draft variation and, when the recommendations included in the report were decided upon, took into account many issues that community members had raised. Again Mr Lamont has outlined those fairly specifically, so I will not go into details. However, I would like to turn to two other issues and comment on those specifically.

The first of these is the issue of betterment payable for the change of land use for the site. This matter was raised by members of the Belconnen Community Council in particular during the public hearing and subsequently in the media once the report on the draft variation had been presented to you, Madam Speaker. I and, I am sure, all committee members took considerable time to establish in our own minds whether proper procedures were in fact followed in relation to the assessment of betterment for the site. I was satisfied, Madam Speaker, that they were and I am sure that my fellow members of the Planning Committee would agree with me on that score.

However, this does not mean that the wider issue of betterment charges per se should not be addressed. We know that the Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning, Mr Wood, has indicated that he is preparing a paper for government on the issue at the moment. We also know that the Planning Committee will be reviewing our planning legislation, as Mr Lamont outlined at an earlier time this afternoon. Part of that review will necessarily require members of the committee giving due regard to the question of betterment and how it is assessed and applied in the ACT. I believe, Madam Speaker, that it is more appropriate to consider the question of betterment in these contexts than with specific reference to the Belconnen golf course variation, although on future occasions the betterment paid for this site could be referred to as an example of how it has been applied to date.

The second matter which I wish to raise is the consultative process which was undertaken with Belconnen Golf Club members about the proposed residential development on the site. I did note, Madam Speaker, that a member of the golf club at the public hearing indicated his dissatisfaction with the process which had been followed, suggesting that a letter should have been sent to all members informing them of an information evening about the proposed development. I agree with his view. However, it is noted that many members of the golf club attended the information evening and became aware in subsequent weeks of what was being proposed due to the extensive displays that the proponent had available at the Belconnen Golf Club for people to view.

In conclusion, Madam Speaker, it is important to note that this report was adopted unanimously by members of the Planning Committee, as Mr Kaine has said. I am satisfied that the variation is worthy of support. I believe that over time the proposed residential development will improve the amenity of the course and will ensure Belconnen golf course's viability as a public golf course in the longer term.

MS ELLIS (8.28): As a member of the committee I would like very briefly to endorse the comments made by the three previous speakers and to take just a couple of moments to put on record the importance, from my perspective, of the consultation process that our committee public hearings allows. I think it is incumbent on us as members of this Assembly to take yet another opportunity to assure the members of the community that the consultation process in which

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