Page 2275 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 17 August 1993

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Machinery Act - Determination of fees - No. 62 of 1993 (S131, dated 1 July 1993).

Motor Omnibus Services Act - Revocation and determination of charges - Determination No. 78 of 1993 (S123, dated 30 June 1993).

Motor Traffic Act -

Determination of fees -

No. 93 of 1993 (S127, dated 1 July 1993).
No. 94 of 1993 (S127, dated 1 July 1993).
No. 95 of 1993 (S127, dated 1 July 1993).
No. 96 of 1993 (S127, dated 1 July 1993).

Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Regulations (Amendment) - No. 25 of 1993 (S128, dated 1 July 1993).

Motor Vehicles (Dimension and Mass) Act - Determination of fees - No. 91 of 1993 (S127, dated 1 July 1993).

Nature Conservation Act - Determination of fees - No. 56 of 1993 (S118, dated 28 June 1993).

Noise Control Act - Approval of amendment and amendment to the Noise Control Manual (S110, dated 17 June 1993).

Occupational Health and Safety Act - Instrument of approval of the ACT Demolition Code of Practice (Second Revised Edition) - No. 55 of 1993 (S117, dated 24 June 1993).

Ozone Protection Act - Determination of fees - No. 59 of 1993 (S118, dated 28 June 1993).

Plumbers Drainers and Gasfitters Board Act - Determination of fees - No. 90 of 1993 (S127, dated 1 July 1993).

Poisons and Drugs Act - Determination of fees - No. 108 of 1993 (S162, dated 12 August 1993).

Pounds Act - Determination of fees - No. 60 of 1993 (S118, dated 28 June 1993).

Public Health Act - Public Health (Infectious and Notifiable Diseases) Regulations (Amendment) - No. 27 of 1993 (S149, dated 21 July 1993).

Public Place Names Act - Determinations -

No. 103 of 1993 (G28, dated 14 July 1993).
No. 104 of 1993 (G28, dated 14 July 1993).

Rabbit Destruction Act - Determination of fees - No. 61 of 1993 (S118, dated 28 June 1993).

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