Page 1726 - Week 06 - Thursday, 20 May 1993

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was almost double that expected.

(3) The community in the ACT is, today, certainly more aware of the significance of local Aboriginal heritage than, say a. decade ago-.

The local Aboriginal community is now an active participant in the promotion of their heritage. The ACT Government has recently funded the employment of a sites officer by the local Aboriginal community. This officer works both in the identification and management of Aboriginal sites in the Territory.

There are now programs in all ACT schools which deal. with Aboriginal heritage. In addition, many community groups have an interest in, or promote the Aboriginal heritage of the Territory, including the Canberra Archaeological Society and the National Parks Association of the ACT-.

(4) Knowledge about the significance and location of Aboriginal places in and around Canberra is, in most cases, predicated on the need to know this information. In the majority of cases, the precise location of places is not publicly available because of the vulnerability of these places to disturbance.

Of course, where Aboriginal places are threatened with development or other adverse change, their locations are provided to developers. and other. interested parties, following liaison with the local Aboriginal community.

(5) Some Aboriginal places are open to the public. Most notable is the rock art site at Yankee Hat in Namadgi National Park. In this.instance, the site is well presented using a formed walking trail and elevated viewing platform. A number of other Aboriginal places are available to special interest tours and school groups, with guides provided by my Department or from the local Aboriginal community.

(6) The Government has committed $2.5m. to the construction of an Aboriginal keeping place or cultural centre in the ACT using funding provided through the Casino premium. The Aboriginal Advisory Council will provide. detailed advice on the nature of the facility, however, I would expect that the centre is likely to provide the appropriate venue for a range of interpretative activities to present the Aboriginal heritage of the Territory. A re-creation-of the type described in your question may be appropriate in this setting.

(7) This facility is also, likely to provide informative displays and be an asset in terms of tourists visiting the Territory.


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