Page 1564 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 18 May 1993

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The Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging - or the Afrikaner resistance group - was described in the Canberra Times recently as a neo-fascist group of thugs and racists headed by the infamous Eugene Terre Blanche. The magazine was not even banned because it is possibly one of the most frightening magazines seen since Hitler's regime. Article after article is blatantly anti-Semitic, alarmist, violent and racist.

It has been banned Australia-wide by the Chief Censor, John Dickie, because of its regular articles giving instructions on converting semiautomatic guns - or self-loading rifles, as they are sometimes called - to machine-guns and making explosives. Although the censor's office agreed that it probably would not pass the test following the Racial Vilification Act, it was only within their charter to ban publications if they contained active encouragement for violence and murder. Just before one turns the page giving advice on how to first kill sniffer dogs trained to find illegal weaponry and, as a bonus, how to kill the handler as well with a booby trap is a letter of congratulations to the publishers, Owen Guns of Gympie. This letter reads:

Dear Jimi,

I loved your magazine.


I'm sure people found it most helpful to know how to correct that auto-fire problem.

Keep assisting the community. Let me know if I can help.

Very best regards,

Dennis Stevenson MLA ACT.

Apparently the auto-fire problem dealing with semiautomatic guns being converted to automatic machine-guns appeared in the regular column entitled "How to stop your gun machine-gunning" - a thinly disguised "How to turn your semiautomatic into a machine-gun". The editor, Jimi, is incidentally the same Jimi who added a postscript to the letter from the AWB, the Afrikaner resistance movement, which read:

Don't feel too guilty about sending these guys money as all the churches are sending it to the ANC who are buying their guns from communist countries.

He encourages those with guns to take a stand, with the slogan "Take our weapons and we will take your life!". Jimi passionately attacks the Racial Vilification Act as being the result of a Jewish plot. He is outraged that it is an offence to distribute threatening or vilifying material if it is intended to publish it in order to promote hatred of, or to intimidate, a racial or religious group. Is he defending his right of expression to publish this sort of material?

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