Page 1560 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 18 May 1993

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MR BERRY (Minister for Health, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Sport) (9.47), in reply: I am pleased that this piece of legislation has brought a sparkle to the eye of the Opposition. It is quite obvious that they are now replete with a warm inner glow. Their glowing acceptance of the Bill is probably appropriate, given that it is a Radiation (Amendment) Bill. We could probably turn out the lights and the illuminated members of the Opposition would be able to give us some direction.

Madam Speaker, this legislation is important in the scheme of things but, like any other legislation, it has to be considered against other priorities. It is all right for Mrs Carnell to bleat about information that she has in relation to this Bill being ready in 1991, but those of you who were around then - and Mrs Carnell was not - will know that the government changed at about that time and priorities changed, as everybody would expect on the change from a Liberal government to a Labor government - and changed dramatically. There was a big mess to be cleaned up on the change of government, and it took us a long time. It took us a long time because we had in front of us a mammoth task. Of course, we rose to the occasion and got on with some very important work which had to be done in this Assembly, and of course this piece of legislation found its way through the legislation system to be submitted in this chamber.

Madam Speaker, all that needs to be said was said on the introduction of the Bill, so I will not drag it out any longer. I have merely drawn attention to a few facts about the performance of the Liberal Party.

Mrs Carnell: To the fact that it took you two years to find the Bill.

MR BERRY: Mrs Carnell says that it took two years to present this Bill. But look at all the good work we have done in between. That is what galls the Liberals most - the good work we have done in between. This has been a class act, and that is what upsets you the most. Madam Speaker, all I can do is say thank you to the members of the Opposition. I thank them for their support for this important piece of legislation. I can see that it has brightened up their day. I am sure that we will see this Radiation (Amendment) Bill passed this evening without amendment.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Detail Stage

Clauses 1 to 4 agreed to.

Clause 5

MR STEVENSON (9.51): I move:

... ... ...

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! That amendment is out of order.

Clause agreed to.

Remainder of Bill, by leave, taken as a whole, and agreed to.

Bill agreed to.

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