Page 1285 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 11 May 1993

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Other Health Advancement 158 107 Two components to the program

Womens Health - quarterly and annual returns

all requirements met .

Alternative Birthing- annual acquittal statement all requirements met.

Other Health Care Access 909 501 Two components to the program:

Early Detection of Breast Cancer - 30 June 1994

Cervical Cancer Screening - 30 June 1995

Acquittals are provided annually. All requirements met to date.

Funds to Combat AIDS 602 308 Expires 30 June 1993. Further funding is subject to

program evaluation. Acquittal of expenditure

annually. All requirements met to date.

Drug Education Campaigns 354 316 Expires 30 June 1997. Acquittal of expenditure

annually within-six months of end of financial year.

All requirements met to date.

Blood Transfusion Services 550 495 Annual agreement. Acquittal of expenditure annually

within five months of end of financial year. All requirements met to date.

Home and Community Care 3 254 2 419 No expiry date. Acquittal of expenditure annually

within five months of end of financial year. All requirements met to date.

Commonwealth States 2 749 2 749 Expires 30 June 1996. Commonwealth and the ACT

Disability Agreement are required to provide each with an audited statement

within nine months of the end of a financial year. All requirements met to date.

Childrens Services 137 10 Expires in 1996. Annual audit certificate required.

All requirements met to date.

Mortgage and Rent Relief 510 385 Expires 30 June 1999 (ten year CSHA Agreement).

ACT Housing Trust audited annually pursuant to Section 38(3) of the Housing Assistance Act 1989 (Commonwealth). All requirements met to date.

Supported Accommodation 3 116 2 302 Expires 30 June 1994. No specific financial reporting

Assistance Program requirements.

Assistance for Water and 7 380 5 610 No specific reporting requirements.


Urban Flood Mitigation 38 0 Annual agreement. Annual audit certificate required

detailing expenditure by project All requirements met to date.

Interstate Road Transport 84 40 Annual payment from a trust account.

Bovine Bruscellosis & 17 16 Agreement expired December 1992. New three year

Tuberculosis Eradication agreement under negotiation. Acquittal of expenditure

annually and the Commonwealth conducts periodic audits. All requirements met to date.

Soil Conservation 154 120 Determined annually. Acquittals are provided to the

Commonwealth upon request. All requirements met to date.

National Industry Extension 261 109 Expires 30 June 1995. Annual audit report required to

Service be forwarded to the Commonwealth. All requirements met to date.


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