Page 1284 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 11 May 1993

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1992-93 1992-93 Revised Actual Estimate Receipts to Details of Arrangements End March

Specific Purpose Payments from the Commonwealth


Technical & Further Education 6 587 2 778 Calendar year agreement. Annual audited certificate

required to be forwarded to the Commonwealth.

( 1992 audit to be completed by 30 September 1993.)

No other outstanding requirements.

General Government Schools 13 662 11 140 Annual multiple year agreement. Annual financial

Grant accountability certificate signed by authorised person.

All requirements met to date.

Non Government Schools 32 386 32 088 Annual multiple year agreement. Annual financial

accountability certificate signed by authorised person.

All requirements met to date.

Other Schools Payments - Joint 4 815 3 284 Annual multiple year agreement. Annual financial

Schools accountability certificate signed by authorised person.

All requirements met to date.

Aboriginal Education (AESIP) 349 264 Triennial agreement expiring 1993. Acquittals are

provided annually. All requirements met to date.

Health Program Grant 4 471 3 726 Term depends on life of an approved health service.

Audited financial acquittance certificate required to beprovided to the Commonwealth. All requirements met to date.

Hospital Funding Grant 52 601 39 273 Expires 1997-98. Acquittal of expenditure annually.

All requirements met to date.

Hospital Access 671 647 Includes a number of components negotiated under the

Medicare Agreement which expires 30 June 1998. Norequirements outstanding.

Nurse Education 460 357 Expires 31 December 1993. Quarterly acquittals are

provided to the Commonwealth. All requirements met to date.

High Cost Drugs 481 60 Annual agreement. Acquittals are provided by 30

November annually. All requirements met to date.

Age Care Assessment 235 156 Annual agreement. Acquittal of expenditure annually

within five months of end of financial year. All requirements met to date.

National Better Health 109 27 Expires 30 June 1993. Acquittal of expenditure

annually. All requirements met to date.

Youth Health Services 38 31 Expires 1995. A statement of expenditure and a

certificate of compliance required to be forwarded to

the Commonwealth by 31 August each year. All requirements met to date.


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