Page 286 - Week 01 - Thursday, 18 February 1993

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Industrial Relations Advisory Council

(1) Minister Wayne Berry

Mr J. Woodrow Mr B. Preiss Mr W. Harris Mr F. Gillingham Mr M. Alves Mr W. Leigh

Mr D. Heaney Mr G. Anderson Mr G. Wason Mr P. SchutlzMs M. Sheehan

Automatic appointment with incoming Government as Minister for Industrial Relations 11 May 1990 11 May 1990 11 May 1990 13 August 1991 14 November 1990 24 August 1992 11 May 1992 2 December 1992 11 May 1992 24 August 1992 13 August 1992

To provide a forum for discussion with and advice to Government on industrial relations issues. Acts as head policy committee for other labour relations policy committees.

At the will of the Minister.

11 males and 1 female.


SES1 5% $3386

SOGB 10% $5447

SOGC 10% $4646

(7) No publications.

Insurers Advisory Committee for Workmens Compensation Supplementation Fund and Fund Manager

(1) Mr D.J. McNeil

Mr J.A. Petriella

Mr G.J. Mathews

Mr J. Collier

2/7/92 to 1/7/95

2/7/92 to 1/7/95

2/7/92 to 1/7/95

Public servant

The function of the Committee is to advise the Manager in the performance of his functions or the exercise of his powers.

Money for the Fund is obtained by a levy on employers or by other means listed in the Act, and is paid for by the settlement of claims made under the Act.

The main purpose of the Fund is to provide a mechanism for the handling of business previously written by insurance companies which have gone into liquidation.

Members of Committee appointed by Minister for such a period as is specified in the instrument of appointment and are eligible for reappointment.

(4) 4 males and 0 females.

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