Page 281 - Week 01 - Thursday, 18 February 1993

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(5) Nil.

(6) 1 meeting per year

SOGB ($54471) - approx 2 days per year AS06 ($41507) - approx 5 days per year AS05 ($35474) - approx 5 days per year

(7) No publications produced.

Government Business Forum

(1) Mr Mike Worrall Ms Elizabeth Boydell

Mrs Jan Williams Mr Chris Donoghue

Mr Rob Durie Mr Mike Alves

Mr John Diamond Mr Mike Crowe

Mr Henry Paul Street Mr Bruno Yvanovich

Mr Alan Scandrett Mr Bob Winnell

Mr Ossie Kleinig Mr Colin Stewart

Mr J. Roberts Mr Rob Buker

Mr Bob Dyer Mr Bruce Livingstone

Mr Vern Warmer Mr Bill Hams

Mr Jeff Townsend Mr Glenn Bellchambers

Mr Peter Guild Dr David Rosalky

Dr Colin Adrian Mr George Tomlins

Mr C.J. Louttit Mr Graham Chalker

Members of the Government Business Forum are office holders in key government and private sector organisations - the A.C.T. membership has varied since that time depending on who holds the office. The first appointments were made in April 1990.

(2) Provide a forum for the private sector to raise and discuss issues affecting

the growth and conduct of business activity in the ACT, provide

discussion on new Government initiatives, issues etc.

(3) No formal term or power of appointment. Usually representatives from

the business sector are invited to attend meetings.

(4) 26 males and 2 females

(5) No remuneration is paid to members.

(6) Approximately 6 meetings per year

SOGB ($54471) approx 3 days per year AS05 ($35474) approx 12 days per year AS01 ($23074) approx 12 days per year

(7) No publications produced.


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