Page 280 - Week 01 - Thursday, 18 February 1993

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(4) 7 males and 5 females (one vacant position to be filled)

(5) Remuneration to Chairperson $15,000 pa from EDD resources.

(6) Estimated six meetings per year

SOGB ($54471) approx 6 days per year

SOGC ($46457) approx 30 days per year

AS05 ($35474) approx 12 days per year

AS01 ($23074) approx 12 days per year

EPAC also commissions ad hoc project work, some of which is performed by public servants.

(7) Irregular 2 produced so far

Title - EPACT Report Number 1 "The ACT Youth Labour Market"

Cost $855 (400 copies)

Distribution - ACT Assembly Members

- local Feral Members

- ACT Government Agency Heads

- Senior Officers Chief Ministers Department



- members of Chief Ministers advisory group

- members of the public who requested copies

Title - EPACT Report Number 2 "Canberra: Accommodating our Next

100,000 people"

Cost $550 (250 copies)

Distribution- ACT Assembly Members - local Feral Members - ACT Government Agency Heads - Senior Officers Chief Ministers Department - Senior Officers DELP and ACTPA - GBF members - members of public who requested copies.

Employment and Training Grants Program Advisory Committee

(1) Mr G. Keogh (Chairperson) Public servant

Mr S. Mills 13 April 1992

Ms G. Boyd 13 April 1992

Mr A. Bright 13 April 1992

Ms J. Spicer 13 April 1992

(2) To assess applications received under the Employment and Training

Grants program and make recommendations to the Chief Minister on

appropriate levels of funding.

(3) Ministerial appointment.

(4) 3 males and 2 females.


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