Page 4131 - Week 15 - Thursday, 17 December 1992

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Mr Berry - the answer to Mr Moores question is:


(a) Intakes of graduate nurses are determined by the nursing staff establishment and vacancies at the time. Woden Valley Hospital had contemplated three intakes in 1992.

(b) The number of graduates to be employed would depend on vacancies. It was anticipated that approximately 12 may have been in each intake at Woden Valley Hospital.

(c) The tentative dates for intakes at Woden Valley Hospital were 9 March, 18 May and 20 July.

(d) There were to be no restrictions based on residency.

(e) Selection of graduates was to be based on merit.

(2) No specific funding was provided for the conduct of a 1992 Graduate Nurse Program. The employment of newly graduated nurses is managed within the general budget allocation for nursing services.

(a) The Acting Executive Director Nursing Services, Woden Valley Hospital and the Director of Nursing and Chief Executive Officer, Calvary Hospital took the decision to delay employment of graduate nurses.

(b) This decision was taken in December 1991.

(4) (a) See 3(a).

(b) See 3(b).

(c) The Minister for Health was advised that due to Hospital redevelopment and amalgamation, the nursing budget and bed management strategy, the nursing establishment had reached its capacity at that time and that the intake of new graduates tentatively planned for March 1992 would not go ahead.

(d) 31 December 1991.

(e) Yes.

(f) That the Minister for Health note the advice.

(g) See 4(c).


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