Page 4130 - Week 15 - Thursday, 17 December 1992

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(7) Concerning the cancelled 1992 Graduate Programme (a) how many applications were received by ACT public hospitals; (b) how many-applications were received from graduates of the University of Canberra; and (c) of applications received from graduates of the University of Canberra, how many were received from persons graduating in years prior to 1991.

(8) What are the employment criteria for the recruitment of Registered Nurses into ACT public hospitals.

(9) For each of the calendar years 1989,1990 and 1991 (a) excluding those persons

recruited into graduate programmes, how many registered nurses lacking graduate

programme experience or its equivalent have been recruited by ACT public

hospitals; (b) of those persons contained is the answer to 9(a), how many of

those were not Enrolled Nurses; (c) how many persons admitted into graduate

programmes in ACT public hospitals continued in employment in ACT public

hospitals following completion of their graduate programme; and (d) how many

persons completing their graduate programme in ACT public hospitals sought

continuing employment in ACT public hospitals.

(10) What administrative arrangements exist between the ACT Board of Health or its agents or employees for the determination and administration of graduate programmes

(11)Prior to the cancellation of the 1992 Graduate Programme, what discussions were

held between the ACT Board of Health or its agents or employees concerning (a)

cancellation of the 1992 Graduate Programme; and (b) re-establishment of the

Graduate programme in 1993.

(12) If discussions were held relevant to question (11); (a) who participated in those discussions; (b) what were the dates of those discussions ; and (c) what recommendations, if any, arose out of those discussions.

(13) What administrative arrangements exist between the ACT Board of Health or its agents or employees and the University of Canberra for the purposes of . coordinating education and training planning for nurses with ACT public bospial employment planning.

(14) What administrative arrangements exist between the ACT Hued of Health or its agents or employees and the University of Canberra, for the purposes of coordinating education planning at the University with graduate programme planning within ACT public hospitals.


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