Page 3698 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 9 December 1992

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Mr Wood: You are giving me a direct quote. Do not be misleading. You are trying to put a direct quote there. Madam Speaker, he is just being nonsensical there.

Mr Humphries: Madam Speaker, I take a point of order. I think that to say that he is misleading is unparliamentary, and I would ask him to withdraw it.

MADAM SPEAKER: That was the interjection? I see.

Mr Humphries: It was indeed, Madam Speaker, yes.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Wood, I would ask you to withdraw.

Mr Wood: Madam Speaker, I will bow to your ruling, as always; but Mr De Domenico said that as though it was a direct quote from me when no such words were ever said.


MR MOORE (11.50): I will explain why I am going to vote against this Bill. I stood on a platform that clearly explained my position on the sort of nonsense presented by Mr Stevenson in this Bill. Therefore, I will vote according to one of the premises upon which I was elected.

MR STEVENSON (11.51), in reply: Mr Lamont opened the debate today. He said three things. All were incorrect. He first of all said that this debate had gone on every year for the last four years. In fact it was the last two years, 1990 and 1991. This makes the third. He also said that the only State to ban the possession of child pornography is the ACT. That also is not correct. That was reiterated by the Attorney-General. He is also not correct on that issue. The Northern Territory has banned the possession of child pornography.

There are many cases of members saying what is not correct. If members did their homework a little more thoroughly they would understand what any damn fool understands, and that is that pornography causes violence. If you are to say that pornography has no effect on anybody in spite of repeated involvement, to be consistent you would have to say that good literature and art also have no effect on anybody. The suggestion that everyone that looks at pornography will commit rape, commit child abuse, or commit violence against women is an absurdity. The suggestion that people who become consumed with pornography will not go out and do these things is equally an absolute absurdity. It tries to deny that education works; that education teaches us; that what we see influences what we do. Yet that is what we have heard from some of the members who said that they will vote against the Bill.

Mr Lamont also mentioned that I would drive X-rated videos underground. That is true - six feet underground. His suggestion that they would remain available is not true. We in this community, and this community alone, now protect X-rated video pornography in Australia. If you did more homework you would understand that police in the States of Australia will not take action against illegal X-rated pornographic videos within their States - and there are big operations - because they do not have the manpower to handle the local illegal

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