Page 3697 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 9 December 1992

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Mr Berry: Why don't you just say "donation"?

Mr Humphries: Donation? Yes, that is fine.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you. I am about to respond to the point of order. My initial understanding was that "exchange" was meant as donation. I can see now that there is a possible misunderstanding of the word "exchange". Mr De Domenico, if you did mean that the exchange was simply one way, would you mind clarifying that? Then there will be no further possible improper imputation in what you say.

MR DE DOMENICO: Thank you, Madam Speaker. There is no doubt that the ACT ALP banked a considerable sum of money which was handed to it, the ACT ALP, by the X-rated video industry. Is that correct or not?

MADAM SPEAKER: Does that therefore imply that you are withdrawing the word "exchange"?


MADAM SPEAKER: You are rephrasing it?

MR DE DOMENICO: No; I am clarifying by suggesting what the word "exchange" means. Now, if I have to - - -

Mr Lamont: Madam Speaker - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: Yes, Mr Lamont? Mr Lamont has a point of order.

Mr Humphries: Well, he did; but he has forgotten it now.

MADAM SPEAKER: Right. It is my understanding that we have replaced the word "exchange" with "banked", and we can now proceed.

MR DE DOMENICO: Thank you, Madam Speaker. With that said, there are a number of reasons, obviously, why the people opposite are not going to support Mr Stevenson's Bill. I think all those reasons have been well canvassed by all the previous speakers, Madam Speaker; but there is one thing that I have to say: No longer wax lyrical about how you people over on the other side of the house support the family and do all sorts of things of that ilk.

Mr Wood: Oh, go away!

MR DE DOMENICO: Mr Wood says "Go away". Mr Connolly said that the best way to try to do something about something that you do not agree with is not to legislate but let it - - -

Mr Connolly: No, that was Mr Stevenson. I was quoting him.

MR DE DOMENICO: Mr Connolly said, "Put a floodlight on it. Put it up in lights because it will be okay". Mr Connolly, why did you not floodlight all those elephants that you banned? You, Mr Wood, came into this house and said, "It is no longer good enough to have little kids in the ACT and people in the ACT sit down and look at elephants in a circus, but it is okay to have X-rated video movies". So much for your concern for the family. Put your money where your mouth is and support Mr Stevenson's Bill.

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