Page 3494 - Week 13 - Thursday, 26 November 1992

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MADAM SPEAKER: Order, please! I have not finished speaking. Mr Kaine, I wish to consider this matter and I wish not to leap into every point of order of this type without considering it. I have not ruled you out of order.

Mr Kaine: Unless we - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: I have not ruled you out of order. I will come back to it.

Mr Kaine: If they take a point of order you are very quick to respond.

MADAM SPEAKER: If you continue to interrupt me when I am speaking, I will name you.

Mr Kaine: You will?

MADAM SPEAKER: All right? Only when I am speaking.

Mr Kaine: This is not school.

MADAM SPEAKER: I am the Speaker, and you are not to interrupt me.

Mr Kaine: Oh, come on!

MADAM SPEAKER: We will have order in this chamber. I will rule on "Goebbels-speak" tomorrow, or next session. Please continue, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: What did you say? Why don't you say it out loud?

Mr De Domenico: Come on, Lenin; stand up and give us the rest of the - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, please!

MR BERRY: If you want to continue to propagandise this issue, which is what you are doing, and if you want to create fear and concern out in the community, keep going the way you are going.

Mr Kaine: This is scandalous, absolutely scandalous!

MR BERRY: Well, it was your caucus that supported this approach, Mr Kaine; so you have to bear the responsibility for it.

Mr Kaine: I am not worried about the case; I am worried about what you are saying about it. This is scandalous.

MR BERRY: Because what I am saying is true. It is true. Your behaviour is scandalous, because you have set out to create fear and concern out in the community with a view to grabbing at a few votes - a cheap stunt. It is the cheapest of all stunts because what you are doing is using public health - - -

Mr Kaine: You are a disgrace as a Minister for Health.

Mr De Domenico: Commo-speak.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Order, please!

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