Page 3493 - Week 13 - Thursday, 26 November 1992

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Mrs Carnell: Of course we are; that is what we are doing it for.

MR BERRY: You are not concerned. You have demonstrated over and over again in relation to public health matters that you do not care, and you have demonstrated over and over again in relation to this HIV matter that you do not care. We made it clear from the outset in relation to these regulations that the matter was under consideration. We also made it clear, in presenting the matter before this Assembly, that, to do away with any confusion which was occurring as a result of the wording of the regulations, they would be changed to make it clear to everybody that it would be in coded form, because coded form is the way to go when it comes to dealing with this issue.

We want people to come forward for treatment; the Liberals do not. We want people to stop risky behaviour out in the community; the Liberals do not care about it. We want to make sure that that coded information is available to public health officers so that we can use that information to better prevent the spread of AIDS; the Liberals do not care about that. What we have in the ACT is a situation where some politicians have gone mad on this issue, and the Liberals fit into that mould. What they have done, to grab a few cheap political points, is go back to the days when people used to have yellow patches sewn on their shirts, go on with a whole range of Goebbels-speak about - - -

Mr Kaine: Madam Speaker, this is going over the top. He should at least keep his debate to a reasonable level.

Mr Humphries: Are you going to pull him up on that? You did before.

MADAM SPEAKER: Members, are you taking a formal point of order, or are you just chatting to me?

Mr Humphries: Madam Speaker, you asked him to withdraw "Goebbels-speak" before.

MR BERRY: No, she did not.

MADAM SPEAKER: I believe that I asked him to withdraw something, which he withdrew.

Mr Humphries: Well, I ask you to make him withdraw now.

MR BERRY: No, I said "murderous". I withdrew that. No, you are on the wrong trail.

MADAM SPEAKER: Let me consider "Goebbels-speak". I am very reluctant to continue to put limitations on what people can say in this chamber. This is - - -

Mr Kaine: Well, yesterday - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, please!

MR BERRY: Let me put it another way which will not make you any the more comfortable.

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