Page 3326 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 24 November 1992

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assure those residents that this Government will continue, through its planning and urban renewal policies, to identify and develop appropriate residential developments that are pleasant environments in which to live and which make full possible use of existing infrastructure.

Due to the considerable changes to the initial proposal, the proponent was required to notify the public of the modified proposal and to extend the period for community consultation. Two-hundred-and-forty-one written comments were received. The proponent has prepared a detailed summary of all issues, as you can see, and has identified how these issues have been addressed. The assessment concluded that the major impacts of the proposal will be on equestrian facilities and users. I have identified in my report several specific measures to ensure minimum disruption to equestrian activity in the West Belconnen area.

The proponent has also shown that existing health and education facilities in adjacent suburbs have adequate capacity to meet any demand generated by the proposed development, with the exception of the possible requirement for the additional facilities of a preschool and community house. The ability to provide services to the area without major capital investment represents substantial savings to the ACT community. The proponent has identified that the cost of servicing the blocks for West Belconnen is substantially less than for alternative greenfield development areas. I am happy to report that the additional ecological and cultural heritage studies proposed by the proponent in the environmental impact statement and identified in my report as a condition of approval are already in the field and nearing completion to draft stage. These studies will lead to the identification of additional requirements to be incorporated into the detailed design phase of the proposal.

Madam Speaker, the documents I have tabled are part of a process that involves both statutory environmental assessment and a variation to the Territory Plan. The assessment material will form a background paper to the draft variation. Consultation on the draft variation to the Territory Plan in relation to West Belconnen has been completed, and I expect that the Planning Authority will submit the draft variation to the Executive within the next few weeks. As is the usual procedure, this will be referred to the Assembly's Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee for inquiry and report.

Madam Speaker, I want particularly to recognise the enormous amount of work that has been undertaken by officers of the Planning Authority during the progress of this matter. The volume and quality of that work is evident as you look at these documents. I want further to acknowledge their dedication to that task. Madam Speaker, I commend this assessment and accompanying documents to the Assembly.

Debate (on motion by Mr Westende) adjourned.

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