Page 3325 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 24 November 1992

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Madam Speaker, the assessment documentation includes the environmental impact statement submitted by the proponent, that is, the ACT Planning Authority. There is a deal of reading coming, folks; get into it. I have read every word and I expect you to. That might be a bit misleading. I had better be careful of what I say while I am on my feet. I have looked very carefully at it. It also includes the proponent's written report on public consultation, my evaluation report on the environmental impact statement and the report on public consultation, and a copy of each of the written comments received by the proponent in relation to the proposal.

The planning and environment legislation became operative on 2 April this year and this is the first environmental assessment being dealt with under the new process. Under the Act I am required to table in the Assembly a report which evaluates compliance of the EIS with the requirements of the Act and with any directions issued by me under the Act; includes any comment by me about the environmental impact of the proposal; includes reports of any meeting convened by me; and sets out any recommendations about the conditions subject to which the proposal should be approved. I am also required under the Act to table the evaluation report, together with copies of the EIS, any notices issued by me under the Act, and any report, comment or information submitted to me in relation to the assessment.

Mr Kaine: You said all that before.

MR WOOD: No, I did not. The West Belconnen environmental impact statement was submitted to me by the proponent, the ACT Planning Authority, on 21 August 1992, and George Tomlins, the Chief Planner, wrote to me on 16 October 1992 submitting an addendum to the environmental impact statement. My evaluation report recommends that the proposal be approved subject to certain conditions as outlined in section 6 of my report.

As members will be aware, this proposal relates to development for residential and related purposes of an area of land to the west of the existing settled area of Belconnen. The proposal originally contained five development areas - areas A1 and A2 adjacent to Higgins and Holt, area B adjacent to Macgregor, area C adjacent to Charnwood, and area D adjacent to Fraser. Following public concern, particularly in relation to areas A1 and A2, these two areas and area D were deleted from the proposal. The proposal, therefore, relates only to the areas designated as B and C.

I should note that in August this year I received a petition from some 1,400 existing West Belconnen residents concerned that the investigation of development of the three deleted areas, particularly A1 and A2, was not proceeding at this stage and expressing support for the retention of the three deleted areas. These residents expressed concern about the viability of their existing school, health, cultural and sporting communities and facilities. I wish to

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