Page 3113 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 17 November 1992

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MR BERRY: Here we go again. That is inaccuracy No. 1. The report said:

For example, the Minister responded to a large number of questions with an answer to the effect ...

We go to page 322, where Mrs Carnell said:

So you are saying to me that provision has not been made for mammography after two years because you have not -

I said:

No, I am not - no, what that suggests is that we are not going to do it after the next two years. What I am saying to you -

this is very clear -

is that you cannot draw from the fact that the Commonwealth funding runs out after two years that it will not be continued. I mean, it is going to be a decision for future governments ...

That is a very clear position. Future governments will make a decision. This sounds to me as though Gary Humphries has been at work again, conning the committee into putting inaccurate information into the report. The report states:

For example, the Minister responded to a large number of questions with an answer to the effect ...

I have found one on page 263. I said:

As far as I am concerned, we have an advice before us and we are considering the matter.

Mr Humphries said:

I think that we are entitled to know what is going to happen. Are we going to see action taken on it?

I replied clearly:

We will consider the matter and then we will decide on a course of action. It is a matter for consideration.

Mr Humphries: We have heard that a lot, actually.

Mr Kaine: "And we will tell you in five years' time".

MR BERRY: Yes, but it refers here to "a large number of questions". Once. That is the third inaccuracy. We then go to page 216. There are heaps and heaps of inaccuracies in this report, which you are responsible for. (Extension of time granted) It is very amusing. This just shows up the inaccuracies in all of these sneaky statements which were included in the report by stealth.

Mr De Domenico: That is a reflection on the Estimates Committee, Mr Berry.

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