Page 3112 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 17 November 1992

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MADAM SPEAKER: Order, please, Mr De Domenico! I ruled on "shonky deal", not the word "shonky"; but I will leave it to Mr Berry - - -

Mr De Domenico: So "shonky" is all right?

MR BERRY: It is, for a Liberal.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, Mr Berry! I think we will rule "shonky" out of order. Please withdraw it, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: I withdraw that. She ignores the committee members, rushes off to the press - no comment amongst other committee members, no requests to me, no requests - - -

Mrs Carnell: I can assure you that a number of the other committee members knew about it.

MR BERRY: That just goes to show you; you can never trust a Liberal. She said, "If someone can do that, that will overcome the problem". Well, it did not. We now go to the report, which says:

The Committee was particularly concerned that information for which the Minister for Health is responsible was in some circumstances difficult to adduce.

Some chitchat went on between me and Mr Moore when we were talking about a survey of waiting lists and so on and we interrupted each other a couple of times. I went on to say:

In principle I do not have any difficulty with the proposition; but I would not want to commit myself one way or another until I have had a close look at some of the difficulties which might arise - - -

Mr Moore said:

So, will you take that on and look into whether or not it is worth doing?

I replied:


That cannot be described as information being difficult to adduce.

Mr Kaine: What did "sure" mean?

MR BERRY: I will do it. Somebody tricked the committee into putting this into the report. None of the other committee members would cop that because they know that the statement is inaccurate.

Mr Kaine: All of the committee members copped that, as you put it.

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