Page 2750 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 20 October 1992

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MR BERRY: I said:

... it pays scant regard to the need for such a program to be viable and ignores the financial impact the proposed privatisation will have on the provision of these services.

Do you want me to withdraw that?

Mr De Domenico: No, before that.

MR BERRY: I said:

While the select committee proposes that methadone treatment should be available from community pharmacies, general practitioner surgeries and private clinics as well as government facilities such as health centres, it pays scant regard to the need for such a program - - -

Mr De Domenico: No, before that, too. Mr Deputy Speaker, Mr Berry said words to the effect that it seems as if the committee's major task was something to do with the profitability of pharmacists - - -

Mr Westende: He said that it was more concerned with that.

Mr De Domenico: He said that it was more concerned with the profitability of pharmacies than it was with anything else. That is the part that Mr Berry should withdraw.

MR BERRY: I said:

... seems more concerned with improving the profitability of pharmacies rather than improving the system of - - -

Mr De Domenico: That is the point.

MR BERRY: It seemed that way to me.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Minister, I suggest that you withdraw any imputation against the committee, and let us get on with the debate.

MR BERRY: No imputation against members of the committee was intended.

Mr Humphries: You have been asked to withdraw.

MR BERRY: There is no imputation against members of the committee - - -

Mr Moore: I draw your attention to standing order 202(e), Mr Deputy Speaker.


MR BERRY: I withdraw any imputation against members of the committee.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you, Minister. Continue, please.

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