Page 2749 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 20 October 1992

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Mr Moore: That the committee was concerned only with the profitability of pharmacies.

MR BERRY: That was the impression it gave me. I am entitled to have that impression.

Mr De Domenico: I ask him to withdraw that, Mr Deputy Speaker.

MR BERRY: What is the imputation? On what basis?

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: It is an imputation that you are making, Mr Minister, is it?

MR BERRY: If one cannot disagree with a committee report, then so much for - - -

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: That is the issue, really.

Mr Humphries: Without making imputations against the members.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: You may disagree with the committee report, but I do not think you can impugn the integrity of the members concerned. That is the issue.

MR BERRY: I never mentioned the members; I mentioned the committee.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: By inference, that is mentioning the members of the committee.

Mr De Domenico: Mr Deputy Speaker, I ask you to rule on my point of order.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Yes, I am endeavouring to do just that, Mr De Domenico. I rule that, if you are impugning the motives of the committee, then you are clearly impugning the motives of the members of that committee. You cannot be doing anything else, Mr Minister. I suggest that you withdraw, and let us get on with the debate.

MR BERRY: Which words would you like me to withdraw?

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: The imputation that the committee was in fact promoting pharmacists or private pharmacists. Just withdraw it, please, and let us get on with it.

MR BERRY: I never said that. I will read to you exactly what I said.

Mr Kaine: On a point of order, Mr Deputy Speaker: If the Minister is going to get into a debate with you, that is another matter altogether; but that is not what your ruling is about.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: No, indeed it is not. Would you mind reading what you said, Mr Minister?

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