Page 2489 - Week 09 - Thursday, 17 September 1992

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(1) (a) (C) Similarly, security screening to windows is not considered in the

ACT Planning Authoritys residential Design and Siting policies,

and does not constitute a breach of the ACT Planning

Authoritys requirements.

(1) (b) (A) Point One of the Design and Siting Criteria in the ACT Planning Authoritys Criteria for Siting Supported Accommodation in Residential Areas requires that the building facade blend with the existing streetscape. As this dwelling has been in situ since 1974 it comprises an element of the existing streetscape. As discussed in (1) (a) (B) , security lighting is not considered in the ACT Planning Authoritys residential Design and Siting policies.

(1) (b) (B) As in (1) (b) (A), the dwelling is an element of the existing

streetscape and therefore complies with the ACT Planning

Authoritys requirement that it blend with the existing

streetscape. The ACT Planning Authoritys residential Design

and Siting policies do not consider the addition of security

screens on windows.

(1) (b) (C) There is not a legal requirement under the existing Buildings

(Design and Siting) Act 1964 for an application to be made for

approval of this work.

(1) (c) The requirements of the ACT Planning Authority for

consultation with neighbours were met in the correspondence

from the A/g Commissioner referred to in (1) (a) (A). The

requirements for consultation have not been breached; on the

contrary they have been complied with in full.

(2) Nothing is intended to be done as no breaches of the criteria have occurred.

(3) The above points were not addressed in answer to the question on Notice

No. 218 because no breaches had occurred and the ACT Planning Auhtoritys

policy has been complied with.


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