Page 2488 - Week 09 - Thursday, 17 September 1992

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(c) Section C (Consultation) of the Criteria, namely -

"Residents and lessees of blocks adjoining the subject block a

minimum are to be consulted for their views on design and siting

conditions as it affects their residential amenity. "

has been ignored by the breaches of criteria set out at (ii) above.

(2) What is intended to be done about these breaches of the Criteria for Siting

Supported Accommodation in Residential Areas of the ACT Planning Authority.

(3) Why were these points at (1) not addressed in answer to question on notice


Mr Wood - the answers to the Members question are as follows:

(1) In relation to the matters raised in (1) 1 would make the following points:

(1) (a) (A)The Objectives in the ACT Planning Authoritys Criteria for

Siting Supported Accommodation in Residential Areas stress the

importance of anonymity for the security of supported

accommodation. This is why local residents are advised that the

dwelling is to be used for Supported Accommodation, but the

actual occupant group is not identified.

This objective was not breached by the ACT Housing Trust. The Chief Planner has on file copies of letters sent to the neighbours of the property in question, advising them of the purchase of the property by the ACT Housing Trust and the intention to use the dwelling for the provision of supported accommodation. These letters are dated 14 January 1992 and signed by Joan Westaway as A/g Commissioner for Housing. These letters satisfy the ACT Planning Authoritys requirements.

(1) (a) (B) The ACT Planning Authoritys Criteria for Siting Supported

Accommodation m Residential Areas state that "the appropriate

residential Design and Siting policies will apply". The installation

of security lighting is not a matter considered in the ACT

Planning Authoritys residential Design and Siting policies and

does not constitute a breach of the ACT Planning Authoritys

requirements. The lighting installed is only activated by

movement in the vicinity of the doors of the dwelling and is not

flood lighting.


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