Page 1850 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 19 August 1992

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Mr Kaine: Well, Madam Speaker, quite frankly, I will not withdraw that statement under any circumstances. He is going to move for my suspension and then we will debate it. I can see it coming; that is what he is going to do. He wants a debate; we will debate it.

Mr Berry: Madam Speaker, in order to bring some sense back into this Assembly, I suggest that you enforce your order that he withdraw it. Then we can get on with the business of the chamber.

Mr Kaine: You can enforce it by moving for my suspension. Then we will debate it, Minister.

Mr Berry: That would be something that I would do only reluctantly.

Mr Kaine: Right; the matter rests with you, not with me.

Mr Berry: Withdraw it.

Mr Kaine: I have said that I will not, because there is no imputation in connection with the Speaker. If you are so sensitive that you cannot take a bit of cut and thrust without constantly asking for withdrawal, that is your problem. You are not going to intimidate me, Minister.

Mr Berry: Madam Speaker, - - -

Mr Kaine: This is an intimidation tactic, and you are not going to intimidate me.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! I am speaking to the Clerk. Could we please have some order.

Mr Kaine: Well, I suggest that you impose some, Madam Speaker.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Kaine, I am afraid that your remark that a shonky deal was done is an imputation against the motives of members of this chamber. I am afraid that I will have to ask you to withdraw it.

Mr Kaine: Madam Speaker, is it your ruling that the word "shonky" is unparliamentary and that therefore I must withdraw it? It has been used here before and that has not been so ruled.

MADAM SPEAKER: No, I understand that there are times and places where the same words are used, Mr Kaine. In this case the inference, very directly, was that the shonky deal related to the MPIs.

Mr Kaine: Madam Speaker, I said before that it has been used in this house before. It has not been withdrawn and I decline to withdraw it now.

Mr Berry: Madam Speaker, there is another matter that I might draw to your attention in relation to the Leader of the Opposition. He just imputed also that I had intimidated him in this - - -

Mr Kaine: So you are. You are trying to force me to withdraw. That is what this is about.

Mr Berry: Madam Speaker, I would ask that you have him withdraw that too.

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