Page 1849 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 19 August 1992

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Mr Kaine: And pulled on both times by members of the Labor Party.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! I am seeking advice.

Mr Kaine: The first time was by Mr Whalan, and the second time is by Mr Lamont.

Mr Berry: In eight sitting weeks there were three MPIs.

Mr Kaine: And your people all put up the same matter of public importance so that you would have the numbers in the ballot. Don't tell me you didn't.

Mr Berry: As soon as somebody else raises one, you get the dirts.

Mr Kaine: I said it was a shonky deal, and I mean it is a shonky deal. You are the people who perpetrated it, not the Speaker.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! I have sought advice. It is under standing order 79, as I said. I draw members' attention to standing order 79.

Mr Humphries: Madam Speaker, I seek leave to make a short statement in respect of the question of matters of public importance.

Leave not granted.

Mr Lamont: Madam Speaker, I seek to raise a point of order.

Mr Kaine: Madam Speaker, I move:

That so much of the standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent Mr Humphries from making a statement concerning the matter of public importance.

Mr Lamont: Madam Speaker, I rise to a point of order.

MADAM SPEAKER: Yes, Mr Lamont.

Mr Kaine: Madam, you have a motion that - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: Yes, I do have a motion before me, Mr Kaine; but points of order can be taken at any time. I am sorry; I will have to listen to Mr Lamont, and then we will come back to your motion.

Mr Lamont: Madam Speaker, I refer to your ruling in relation to the words uttered by the Leader of the Opposition, "shonky deal". It is quite clear that he has withdrawn those words in terms of an imputation upon the Chair. However, I regard it as deeply offensive that such language be allowed in this Assembly in reflection upon me, or Ms Ellis or Mrs Grassby. I seek an unequivocal withdrawal of such words by the Leader of the Opposition.

MADAM SPEAKER: I believe that I should uphold that point of order. I believe that that imputation is there.

Mr Kaine: Madam Speaker, I seek leave to make a statement on this matter.

Leave not granted.

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