Page 1818 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 19 August 1992

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their own electorates. It is all right for them to dump on the ACT; but, in my view, they would be better off getting back to their own electorates and getting it right.

Mr Kaine: Now you are on track.

MR BERRY: That is correct, and that is why the Government will be supporting the motion. But it galls me to come in here and see the Liberal Party arguing the case, bearing in mind what they are going to do. It is clear that under a Liberal government we will be worse off in the ACT. You have to bring these things out into the open and be honest about it.

I know that, since I have sparked a bit of interest in the issues here, there will be a response to what I have said. I will not take them to task in relation to that, Mr Deputy Speaker, so long as they are fair dinkum, so long as they tell us what they are going to do to the public sector in the ACT, so long as they tell us what they are going to do to the health system in the ACT, and so long as they tell us what they are going to do to the industrial relations system in the ACT. We have a conciliatory system and we know that the Liberals are going to try to create the worst of an adversarial system and take us back to before the turn of the century when workers and bosses fought incessantly. There were lockouts, long strikes and all of those sorts of things. That is what the Liberals are going to do.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, Mr Berry! I think you are getting away from the motion.

Mr De Domenico: I raise a point of order, Mr Deputy Speaker. I suggest that not even Mr Berry knows in advance what the Liberal Party may or may not do in this Territory.

Mr Moore: We know what they have promised, but we do not know what they are going to do.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: There is no point of order.

Mr De Domenico: For Mr Berry to stand up and give an opinion is fine, Mr Deputy Speaker; but he is not here to give an opinion.

MR BERRY: I will take that point. Mr Moore reminds me that we know what they have promised, but we do not know what they will do.

Mr De Domenico: For Mr Moore to suggest anything about promises - - -


Mr Kaine: What is wrong with that? We do not even know what you are going to do.

MR BERRY: You can back it in; it will all be good. Seriously, Mr Deputy Speaker, I stand proudly to defend the ACT, like most residents, and I would like the Liberals to stand and honestly defend the ACT; but they have to lay all their cards on the table. This business of saying on the one hand that it is crook for somebody - - -

Mr Kaine: You show me yours and I will show you mine.

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