Page 1817 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 19 August 1992

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Mr Kaine: He is still taking his point of order. You cannot cut across him when he is taking a point of order.

Mr Connolly: Yes, I can. He is not taking a point of order; he is making a speech.

Mr Kaine: No, he is not.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr De Domenico, go ahead.

Mr De Domenico: Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker. I obviously accede to your ruling, Mr Deputy Speaker. Mr Berry is off the point. He is irrelevant, as he always is, and I ask you to rule accordingly.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Connolly, did you want to take a point of order?

Mr Connolly: I was wondering what the point of order was. I was intrigued by the speech, but it did not resemble a point of order.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you. I ask that we return to the motion moved by Mr Kaine that is on the notice paper.

MR BERRY: I am happy to.

Mr Kaine: Let us talk about Coburg.

MR BERRY: We are talking about defending Canberra. That is what we are talking about. If the Liberals are going to stand up here and criticise people who have made claims about the ACT, then they have to be entirely honest on this matter. They have to talk about what they intend to do to the people of the ACT. They have to come out into the open and tell us what they intend to do. You are not doing that, and I intend to expose you for that. I intend to expose you for that, and you do not like it.

Mr De Domenico: Did you tell us that you were going to ban circuses? You did not, did you?

MR BERRY: I do not want to talk about circuses. I want to talk about what the Liberals - - -

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry has the floor. It has been a fairly free-ranging debate.

MR BERRY: You would never guess, would you. On the hill we see a bunch of out-of-towners - there is no question about that - who are acutely aware of what they have failed to do in their own electorates. There is no question about that. They see the ACT and - - -

Mr Kaine: These are your Federal politicians.

MR BERRY: These are our Federal politicians, Mr Kaine. They are on both sides of the fence. Our Federal politicians see what happens in Canberra - there is no question about that - and it demonstrates to them what they have failed to do in

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