Page 1692 - Week 06 - Thursday, 13 August 1992

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not have laughed; but, because she did, I felt that the laughter that we had in the Assembly at that time was beneficial. I thought we had more agreement then than we have had on many other occasions. To suggest that that was not okay is unfortunate.

I think that when we reduce ourselves to personal attacks because we may not like what is going on it is unfortunate; I truly do. I think this motion is an attempt to gag the Speaker in making a decision as to how she interprets what is happening in the Assembly. I think the suggestion that the points that we have made in this Assembly since lunch need to be gagged is unparliamentary. We have made points about the definition of rodeos, and the point that we made about promoting a rodeo was agreed to. Mr Humphries put well a point of view about rodeos.

To suggest that these and the other things that we have spoken about should not be mentioned is really a form of government that would show us that someone who had dictatorial power would not listen to anybody. If you will not listen to members of this Assembly, what does that say of your desire to listen to people within the community? I say this in all seriousness; I am not having a go at you. I think we should understand that everyone here has a right to have a say, even if we vehemently personally disagree with it. The members have been elected by a lot of people in each case, and they have a right to speak in this parliament. To attempt to gag a member's right to speak is not on.

I moved the censure motion before because there are things going on in this parliament which are highlighted by activities here. I make the point that I do not seek to make people wrong. Why not have a situation where we can all openly debate? We put our points forcefully - that is fine - but allow someone to speak and to make points. When Mr Wood, as the Minister, made the point that it was a nonsense to bring up the matter about "promote", we may have thought that he was wrong, but we did not call him a screaming ratbag and a raving idiot and try to gag him; nor should we have; nor should anyone in this parliament. So let us not try to gag debates.

MR BERRY (Minister for Health, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Sport) (4.42), in reply: The issue before us, of course - - -

MADAM TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mrs Grassby): Are you closing the debate, Mr Berry?

MR BERRY: Yes, that is right.

Mr Kaine: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker - - -

MADAM TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Berry was on his feet first, Mr Kaine.

Mr Kaine: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, we are witnessing a complete abrogation of the rights of the members of this Assembly.

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker: Does Mr Kaine have a point of order or is he trying to debate?

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